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Arts and Health

Saolta Arts invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified members of the public to serve as members of the Board

By 10 May 2019August 16th, 2019No Comments

Saolta Arts is the new name for the Hospitals Arts Trust which has been extended to include Galway University Hospitals and the other hospitals in the Saolta Group – Roscommon University Hospital, Portiuncula University Hospital, Mayo University Hospital, Sligo University Hospital and Letterkenny University Hospital.

Saolta Arts is now in the process of recruiting board members to support the growth and expansion of the organisation. There are a number of upcoming positions available on the Board of Directors of Saolta Arts for suitably qualified individuals.

Experience in areas of arts, health, accounting, human resources, law, corporate governance, risk management and compliance, and strategic development are desirable. This is not an exhaustive list and the members will reflect a diversity of backgrounds and experience while sharing a commitment to the mission and goals of Saolta Arts. Working with the Chair and present Members of the Board of Saolta Arts take collective responsibility for the long-term sustainability of the organisation and perform a key role in ensuring best practice in its corporate governance. Members will be required to commit sufficient time to undertake this voluntary role.

Margaret Flannery, Director of Saolta Arts said, “For the past ten years, the Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust has provided an Arts and Health programme to promote wellbeing and improve the hospital experience at Galway’s public hospitals as a means of improving the hospital experience for patients, staff and visitors.

“The organisation shall continue to nurture the discovery and development of creative potential, encourage new ways of seeing, and stimulate fresh dialogue across all hospitals – making the hospitals a place of possibilities. We believe access to the arts promotes well-being and enhances the hospital environment. We provide a multi-disciplinary programme of events and activities, including exhibitions, participative workshops, music, theatre and poetry.

“We are inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals interested in serving as a Board Member. Appointment is subject to interview. Positions are voluntary and non-remunerated. In order to qualify for appointment a person must not have any conflicts of interest likely to interfere with his/her ability to assume the role of a member of the Board. Please give careful consideration to the possibility of any potential conflict of interest that may exist and address this in your cover letter. The Board may decide, based on the perceived level of conflict, not to forward your name for consideration.

“If you are interested, please submit a CV and covering letter outlining your suitability for the role. The CV should detail academic and professional qualifications, experience, employment history and relevant achievements, and also demonstrate evidence of how you meet the stated criteria. The covering letter should describe briefly how you meet the needs of Saolta Arts, why the appointment is of interest and what you believe you can bring to the role.

“If you would like to find out more or to express an interest, please email, in confidence to The closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is 5:00pm on Friday 31 May 2019.”

Saolta Arts CLG is a registered Charity (CHY17964).

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